About Maya


It all started when...

I was lying on the floor, like every morning. I was thinking how great it would be to share some health and wellness tips with others. Just like starting your day on the floor, with your knees bent and back straight against the floor. From that moment I began my journey with retune. 

I'm a professionally trained musician, completed my doctorate degree in fall ‘17. I’m also a Director of Instrumental Music Education at the Philadelphia Orchestra and a certified health and wellness coach. Finding a balance through routine and healthy habits was always a source of interest of mine.

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis about nine years ago and ever since I've been on my own journey of feeling better. At this point, I've learned so much about myself, my body and my soul. I've collected tips and ideas for anyone who has digestive and stress related issues and while you should ALWAYS consult a doctor, I find that they would usually not refer you to solutions that are not medicine.

I've been spending so many hours in constant search for answers to problems doctors couldn't solve and throughout the frustration of the process and the mission of feeling better, retune with Maya began. 

Please let me know if you have any ideas or tips that helped you, I would love to hear!